Saturday, January 27, 2007


I've been using the Zend Framework since version 0.2.0. I had never used a web framework prior to that. The reason I chose Zend as opposed to other frameworks was its simplicity and intuitiveness. I admit, this conclusion may have only been drawn because of a well-written tutorial that clicked with me.

Nevertheless, I have been using the Zend framework to build a website and have been following the core classes as they've developed. As I ran in to problems, I looked for help on the web and found it lacking. So I decided to create what I wished to see.

Let's see how long this will last.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

> The reason I chose Zend as opposed to other frameworks was its simplicity and intuitiveness. <

ditto; but, have the current versions stayed true to those original goals? ... or are they becoming Java-like in their defensiveness to request criticisms, resulting in headache?

> As I ran in to problems, I looked for help on the web and found it lacking. <

The most consistent causes of my reaching for aspirin from ZF tutorials are:

1. not specifying the ZF version for which the example was written.
2. not specifying the ZF file into which the example goes - to see how it all fits together.
3. not dating the tutorial.

Keep up the nice work ...
